Friday, November 6, 2009

Running... (Poem writtten on a dark night when insomnia took over)

I want to run away but have no where to run to
Don’t ask where im going; I don’t have a clue
I try to run forward but sometimes sprint back
My legs keep on moving but I’m on the wrong track
I’ve run into death but even death didn’t want me
And the nightmares repeat they continue to haunt me
And the memories of happy continue to taunt me
I’m running from strangers that just look at me and stare
I’m running from pretenders that have pretended to care
Sometimes I run circles; I go around and around
But there is no destination my way hasn’t been found
When will I be happy, when will I no longer pretend?
Can somebody tell me when going no where will end?
ive often heard good things come to those who wait
But im tired of waiting my hopes barely stand straight
It seems like my future will be my past’s identical twin
Cuz looking back in my rearview all I see is chaos within

-A.T. 10/09

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