Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today I am grateful for:

-     Having had a great convo with my coworkers and workers while we ate a healthy and delicious Hatian       lunch at TiGeorges
-     The mailman who delivered my paycheck to my house
-      Meeting my work goals for the week a day ahead of time
-     My sisters who always make me feel very special and loved
-     My intuition

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Today I am grateful for:

-     Having attended the UCLA Labor Center Banquet and seeing all my old coworkers again.
-     Driving through beautiful DTLA and being able to check out the hustle and bustle of the city at night
-     The cold breeze that is coming through my window and is cooling me down
-     Making it through this week

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today I am grateful for:

-     Being able to walk.
-     Having a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in
-     Having a sister whom I can call anytime and she always tells me she loves me.
-     Obama as President of this country who believes all human being should have to freedom to chose whom they want to marry regardless of sexual preference.
-     The memories running through my head that have caused me to smile different times throughout the day
Today I am grateful for:
-     Feeling love in my heart and having people in my life whom i can say "I Love You" to
-     My spiffy car that gets me around.
-     Being able to walk and talk
-     Having a job that continuously challenges me
-     My sisters who always encourage and support me and believe in me
-     Mexican food
-     My mother who is always open to talk to me
-     My Kindle
-     Liking how my hair turned out after dying it a different color
-     My workers who always keep me grounded and inspired