Saturday, January 19, 2013

I try to live a life guided by love, I try to act from a place of love. It sounds nice, it sounds easy, but its the hardest way to live. True acts of love strip you to your core... they leave you bare and raw. Hate, greed, selfishness, disregard for others.... that's easy. I'm trying to act and make choices from a place of love, but its killing me. I hope it's worth it. I hope one day this makes sense cuz right now, it sure as hell isn't. I hope I'm making the right choices.


Today... today I'm thankful for percocet. Love..... Love is a motherfucker.

Watch "Lil Wayne - I Feel Like Dying" on YouTube

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Amour Fou

Pronunciation: /əˌmʊə ˈfuː, amuʀ fu/

Definition of Amour Fou
1. Wild love. 2. Uncontrollable or obsessive passion.